Before the Shoot :
Delfine : I feel a great vibe with Flo, I can’t wait to see her naked. I think we’re going to have a great time !
Flo : Usually I’m quite nervous & hoping things will work out, but since the moment Delfine entered I feel completely relaxed & comfortable. The more we talk, the more curious & excited I became. Her face has loveliest expression when speaking, and I can’t wait to see how they will look like doing sex :)
After the Shoot :
Delfine : Flo made me feel so good ! I hope we will see more of her.
Flo : Alors ... c’était super cool ! I had such an incredible time where all the things I wished for happened. The few french words really turned me on, just like Delfines beautiful face & movements. We didnt feel the time passing at all. Everyone on set was so patient & gave us all the time we wanted. Mercy Delfine !
Delfine & Flo for Abby Winters